As knowledge work is virtualized and decentralized out of commute in offices with modern information and communication technologies, some organizations are questioning their space needs. And concurrently, apparently also their staffing levels. They are doing so by adopting mandatory office attendance policies as a condition of employment. Those who don’t show up face being asked to resign or be terminated.
A big question going forward is once those positions are vacated when their former occupants depart is whether they will be filled again or eliminated.
If the latter, the virtualization and decentralization of knowledge work also portends a new era where organizations no longer permanently employ large numbers of knowledge workers, concluding they can fulfill their missions with significantly reduced staffing levels. This is a critical issue since for most organizations, human resources and office space make up their biggest overhead expenses.
This has substantial implications. It could redefine knowledge work as primarily project versus employment based where knowledge work is delineated by a set job description and duties. That in turn could lead to increased use of consultants, contract staffing and professional service firms that many knowledge organizations are already utilizing.
Private and public sector workforce planning may differ. Some government and nonprofits may be compelled or feel so, to backfill vacant office spaces due to budgetary laws and policies. It is bad PR for govt to have vacant space while other public needs languish. One unfilled part of the California virtual work/telework law is local work hubs. The State never met this statutory requirement and it makes good cents/intended word….to allow staff to work nearer home and reduce commutes. Local communities would benefit rather than perceived headquarters…..GM
Spot on, Frederick.